So just a quick update on the Keela school. We made the first transfer of funds to Benny who was in Itezhi Tezhi to coordinate the purchasing and transporting of the material & We were quite impressed with how it all worked. Benny ordered the material on the Friday evening and by Monday morning everything had arrived from Lusaka (the quantities needed were simply not available in Itezhi Tezhi town).
It was then all loaded up in two small trucks and delivered up to the school .
Benny had organised Royd (the building contractor) to travel to Keela ahead of the delivery to mobilize the community for offloading and it all worked out beautifully. In fact it worked out too well, as by the time I got down there it was all packed into the school!
Here you can see Benny (centre) and Royd (for right) and some happy PTA members at the school.
So the material purchase is enough to complete the roofing and this has taken just less than half of what we raised. We will still have to purchase a large quantity of cement to finish the plastering of the walls and complete the floor. We will also have to purchase lime for whitewashing the completed building. But there will be some money leftover to purchase a few desks, and we are still fundraising to purchase more. It is all very exciting and what was also very encouraging was messages of support from our local MP and a promise of a government paid teacher in October.
Our next school news will hopefully show a partially completed roof!