15°17’49.8″ SÜD, 025°58’39.8″ OST

Bitte folgen Sie nicht der von Google Maps vorgeschlagenen Route zur Kaingu Lodge, diese ist saisonal unpassierbar, überwachsen und generell in sehr schlechtem Zustand. Bitte folgen Sie unseren Anfahrtsbeschreibungen. Die Wege sind meist nicht beschildert, wir empfehlen dringend ein GPS-Gerät mit “Tracks for Africa” zu verwenden.

(alle GPS Koordinaten  in Grad, Minuten und Sekunden)


Unsere Lodge liegt im Namwala Tierschutzgebiet entlang eines spektakulären Abschnitts des Kafue Flusses. Unser Parkplatz im Kafue Nationalpark –  direkt gegenüber der Lodge –  ist nur eine 10-minütige Bootsfahrt entfernt. Wenn man Sie in der Lodge übernachten, ist es am besten über den Nationalpark per Luftweg oder Landweg anzureisen und mit dem Boot zur Lodge überzusetzen.

Sollten Sie erst nach Sonnenuntergang anreisen oder mit Ihrem Fahrzeug zum Zelten kommen, müssen Sie von der öslichen Uferseite (über die Namwala GMA, Itezhi Tezhi Strasse D769) anreisen, damit Ihr Fahrzeug und Ausrüstung vor Ort haben / wir nicht im Dunkeln Boot fahren.

Auf dem Luftweg:

Chunga Airstrip (ganzjähriger Landeplatz). Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihr Reisebüro oder KaingU Safari Lodge für die Buchung eines Charterflugs zum Chunga Airstrip.

Die Anreise über den Lufweg und per Boot ist spektakulär. Mit einem Charterflug fliegen Sie zum Chunga Airstrip. Hier werden Sie von unserem Fahrzeug erwartet und durch den Nationalpark zu KaingUs Anlegestelle und mit einer kurzen Bootsfahrt über den Kafue Fluss zur Lodge gebracht.

Chunga Airstrip: S15°03’15.1” E025°59’08.1”

Flugzeit von Lusaka: 50-70 Minuten

Fahrzeit vom Landeplatz zur Lodge time (airfield to lodge): 1.5 Stunden

Auf dem Landweg per Transfer:

Gerne können wir für Sie eine Anreise per Auto von Lusaka zu uns organisieren. Fahrzeugtyp richtet sich nach der Anzahl zu befördernden Personen.

Fahrzeit von Lusaka zur Lodge: 4.5 Stunden; vom internationalen Flughafen: 5.5-6 Stunden

Auf dem Landweg als Selbsfahrer:

Bitte folgen Sie nicht der von Google Maps vorgeschlagenen Route zur Kaingu Lodge, diese ist saisonal unpassierbar, überwachsen und generell in sehr schlechtem Zustand. Bitte folgen Sie unseren Anfahrtsbeschreibungen. Die Wege sind meist nicht beschildert, wir empfehlen dringend ein GPS-Gerät mit “Tracks for Africa” zu verwenden.

In der Trockenzeit kann die Lodge auch mit einem 2-WD-Fahrzeug (ohne Allradantrieb) erreicht werden, aber das Fahrzeug muss eine große Bodenfreiheit haben. Die Verwendung eines Kleinwagens wird nicht empfohlen, ist aber mit Vorsicht auf einigen Strecken möglich.

Für Selbstfahrer hier eine Übersicht der Anreisemöglichkeiten:

A. von Lusaka via Spinal Road (bei weitem die beste Option, Anreise in nur 4½ Stunden!)
B. von Lusaka via Itezhi Tezhi Road
C. von Livingstone via Ngoma
C1) und von Ngoma via Itezhi Tezhi (Allwetterstraße)
C2) und von Ngoma via “Old Palm Straße” (nicht in der Regenzeit befahrbar, ca. ab Mai/Juni bis Anfang November)
C3) und von Ngmoa via die “Spinal Road” zu Kaingus Parkplatz und Bootsanlegestelle im Nationalpark
D. von Choma via Namwala und Itezhi Tezhi


A. Directions from Lusaka via the Spinal Road (334 km) :
Travelling time: about 5 hours.
This is the smoothest option but remember your car is on the other side of the river so you cannot use this route if you are camping in our private campsites!
With the opening of the Spinal Road in the NP guests can also take this route and leave their vehicle in our car park in the Park and be transferred across the river by boat to the Lodge.
This option needs to be coordinated with the Lodge, and Park fees will apply on entrance and exit (currently payable to the lodge)
Kindly note that in the interim, you will not find the Spinal Road on most maps and it only appears on the very latest editions of ‘Tracks4Africa’ electronic maps.

• Make sure to refuel before you leave Lusaka, as the only possibilities to re-fuel are at Nangoma Mission or Mumbwa. And even then fuel availability is not always guaranteed.
• From Lumumba Road in the Lusaka CBD, take the Great West Road towards Mongu – this is the “Mumbwa Road” (M9).
• 151km from Lusaka, you reach the Mumbwa turn-off where there is an “Oil Bay” filling station. A further 30km on you will pass through the Nalusanga Gate at the entrance of the Kafue National Park.
•Continue for approx 40km past the Itezhi Tezhi turnoff and continue for a further 60km, past Mukambi Lodge and over the Hook Bridge, which crosses over the Kafue River.
• Continue 6.3km on from this bridge to the second turnoff to Chunga, which is signposted as “Chunga 21km”.  Here there is an entrance gate where you will explain you are going to Kaingu Lodge and as such will be paying park fees at the lodge – of course you can also pay here but please bring the permit with you to Kaingu so we can enter all the details in our register.
• From the “21” entrance gate you travel on a gravel road for 14.3km to a major turnoff. Here you will see a large green sign marked “Spinal Road, Ngoma 166km, Musa Gate 170km”
• Take the road to the right marked as above (Ngoma & Musa) to proceed south into the Park. If you find yourself at Chunga (DNPW HQ), turn around and head back the way you came and turn left at the turnoff.
• Travel 32.7km down this road (known as the Spinal Road) to the Kaingu sign on the left (GPS: S15°16’30.8” E25°58’37.9”). Turn left off the road at the sign for Kaingu Safari Lodge and drive along the track for 700m to the carpark.  When you reach our carpark there is a solar-powered radio that you can use to call the lodge and a boat will be there within 10 mins.  If you do not want to be on a deadline and perhaps want to stop while going through the park then please tell us and that way we will wait for your radio call and not have someone waiting for you.

Please note: the speed limit in the National Park is 40km/hr, the road is not well signposted and there are sudden bends and drifts that can catch the unwary or those travelling too fast. There have already been accidents (including one fatality) on this road due to people getting caught out by sudden bends or animals on the road.

B. Directions from Lusaka via the Itezhi Tezhi Road (302 km):
Travelling time about 5 ½ to 6 hours
• Make sure to refuel before you leave Lusaka, as the only possibilities to re-fuel are at Nangoma Mission or Mumbwa. And even then fuel availability is not always guaranteed.
• From Lumumba Road in the Lusaka CBD, take the Great West Road towards Mongu – this is the “Mumbwa Road” (M9).
• 151km from Lusaka, you reach the Mumbwa turn-off where there is an “Oil Bay” filling station.  A further 30km on the M9 you will pass through the Nalusanga Gate at the entrance of the Kafue National Park.
• A further 28km along the M9 (GPS: S14°58’16.4” E26°27’04.4”) turn left (south) onto the Itezhi-Tezhi road (D769, a good tarred road).
• After ±50km on this road, you reach the DNPW/GRI Mweengwa Wildlife Check Point (GPS: S15°16’32.3” E26°14’56.7”). 3km further on from this point (the D769 is gravel after the checkpoint) (GPS: S15°17’56.0” E26°14’09.2”) turn right (West) at the KaingU Lodge/Puku Pans signs.
• Travel 25km along a bush track to the next KaingU Lodge sign (GPS: S15°12’02.1” E026°04’18.6”) and turn left (South). Continue on for ±18km, crossing the Mweengwa Pole Bridge and follow the signs into the KaingU Lodge camp.
It is recommended not to travel faster than 30-35km per hour on these bush tracks due to rocks and stumps in places close to the edge of the road. At the tsetse control point stop for 5 minutes to allow the flies to disperse before driving into camp (for everyone’s sake!).
Travelling time about 5 ½ to 6 hours

C. Self-drive directions from Livingstone (about 398 km total) 

Travelling time about 8 hours (make a break at  Choma or Itezhi Tezhi)
Do not attempt without lots of fuel, a high clearance 4×4 with low range, reasonable 4×4 driving ability and a sense of adventure and humour!
• From Livingstone, take the T1 towards Lusaka.
• At Kalomo town (124km) (GPS: S17°01’45.6” E026°29’24.7”) turn northwards towards the Dundumwense entrance gate of the Kafue National Park. This is ±70km from Kalomo.
Note!! Re-fuel at Kalomo as this is the last reliable fuel stop!
• From Dundumwenzi, take the road to Ngoma, the southern HQ of the Kafue National Park.
You will travel through the Nanzhila Plains along the “Cordon Road” – this is about 120km on the new gravel road that skirts outside the Eastern boundary of the park.

Three Options:

C 1) from Ngoma via Itezhi-Tezhi Road (128.2 km) 
• From Ngoma, proceed to Itezhi-Tezhi, passing the Musa gate where you exit the park, Musungwa and New Kalala Lodges enroute (25.2km).  This brings you to a new market/bus station and a couple of supermarkets in the center of the town.  Note: Dumdumwezi to Itezhi Tezhi you do not have to pay park fees – just explain you are in transit from Livingstone.

• From Itezhi-Tezhi, travel north for ±60km to the Kaingu Safari Lodge sign (GPS: S15°17’56.0” E26°14’09.2”) and turn left (west) onto the bush track. Proceed to the next KaingU Lodge sign ±25km further on (GPS: S15°12’02.1” E026°04’18.6”) and turn left (south). Continue on for ±18km, crossing the Mweengwa Pole Bridge and following the signs into the KaingU Safari Lodge camp.

Travelling time: about 8 hours depending on current road conditions.

C2) from Ngoma via Itezhi-Tezhi and the “Old Palm Road” (101.8 km)
For 4×4s only, and only in the dry season (May to November), is this an alternative route that is slightly faster and smoother and easier than going all the way up the D769 to the Kaingu sign and track – as detailed above.
• From Ngoma, proceed to Itezhi-Tezhi, passing the Musungwa and New Kalala Lodges Enroute (±22km).
• From Itezhi-Tezhi travel 31km up the D769 (Itezhi Tezhi road).  At 40 km (measured from Itezhi Tezhi’s large and very visible bus station and market) turn left on the track signed “Old Palm Safaris”

• Follow this track for 23.1km, and it will bring you onto the “river road” where you turn right.

• Continue North up this track (passing the signs for Old Palm Safaris and Nsonga Safaris) for 11.5km and then turn left at the Kaingu sign and drive 2km into camp.

NB: If you use Tracks4Africa, then it will try to route you off the D769 well before the junction described above (31km from Itezhi).  Do not take this route as it is a very bad road and people get stuck on it even in the dry season! 

C3) from Ngoma via the Spinal Road to KaingU harbour in the Kafue National
You will arrive about 500 meter north and on the opposite side of the river to our Lodge; there is no pontoon or bridge, but you can park your car safely at our car park at the harbour (therefore it is not possible to use this route if you are coming to our private camp-site with a rooftop tent and lots of camping equipment); kindly note that in the interim you will not find the Spinal Road on most maps or older versions of ‘Tracks 4 Africa’. Before taking this route, you have to contact us with an estimated time of arrival, so we arrange your pick-up by boat; the ETA must not be after 5 pm as boating in the dark is not advisable.

• From Ngoma, it is about 130km to our turn-off (GPS 15°16’30.8”S; 25°58’37.9” E) and car park
• From Ngoma, proceed North towards Lake Itezhi Tezhi for 10.1km, where you meet the road running along the lake shore.  Turn left here.
• Follow the road heading West around the lake, passing the sign for Hippo Camp,
• Follow the road heading north for approx 116km (measured from Hippo bay junction) until you have reached our turn-off on your right; there is a little sign for Kaingu Lodge (not the Kaingu game loops).
• Turn right and follow the bush track for 700 meters to our carpark & harbour (GPS 15°16’31.05”S; 25°58’37.23” E) where you will find our solar-powered radio to contact the lodge and within 10 mins a boat will be there.

D. Self-drive directions from Choma through Namwala
For 4x4s with high clearance only and only in the dry season (June – October); do not attempt this route without ‘Tracks 4 Africa’ (GPS map); it involves a pontoon crossing;
• follow the road signs from Choma to Namwala; this road is tarred and in good condition – 171 km.
• after this, you have to cover a heavily washed-out track to the pontoon (±10km; about 1 hour drive);
• from the pontoon, use the fairly good gravel road heading West to Itezhi Tezhi town – 48km.
• continue to Kaingu via the above-described options from Itezhi Tezhi

Map of the Kafue and directions to KaingU

Our Lodge is situated in the Namwala Game Management Area (GMA) on a spectacular and remote stretch of the Kafue River. The Kafue National Park, just opposite the lodge and only a 10-minute boat trip away, offers abundant game viewing.

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KaingU Safari Lodge Hippo

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